Arezzo (Toscana) 10 gennaio 2016

Fabio devotes its first 10 miles to Mark Zuckerberg

Fabio devotes its first 10 miles to Zuckerberg

today 10 January 2016 have reached parity reaching my first 10 mile race in 19 days.

I dedicate to Mark Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook, which launched an invitation to leave the computer !!!! and do all the 366 days of 2016 a mile race, an idea that is just wonderful because it invite play sports helps to have a happier life.

today after nine days of cold and heavy rain we are at 16 ° with a beautiful sun at times and then I made 2 mile race, 3 mile walk, 12 miles with my cargo bike and 18 miles on the bike, not bad for be 70 years old.

thanks again Mark from Arezzo. Tuscany, Italy