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Legge Amato, la pensione ai parenti all’estero degli extracomunitari

Russia: How to transport economically iron rods…

Fly to the limit of space with Mig 29 and a breathtaking blonde…

An alternative way to load the bike on the van…

Good blonde to inflate tires

Beware of passing under the bridges….

The genie of the lamp…

Roads Madness

The “pin” flies again….

Flying with Stefano on the Alpi Aviation Pioneer 300

Evektor Eurostar SLW take off from Sassuolo airfield

Skiatos Thomson Airways Boeing 757 slow motion landing

Phantom full AB

Helicopter Sud-Aviation SA 342J “Gazelle” take off and fly by

Orribile!!!! Un’isola di immondizia al largo dei Caraibi…

Tutti praticano lo skateboard…..

Lo scherzo con la maschera di It finisce male

Airplane crash live onboard cam

Aeronautica Militare Italiana

Frecce Tricolori sorvolano il Milite Ignoto

YAK 50:1st Ignition Test after a long period of standstill

YAK 50:2nd Ignition Test

Flight to Città di Castello…