Last week Finish journalist Yle Jessika Aro became a victim of the international mudslinging campaign.
This was reasoned by her adamant stance towards the fight against Russian propaganda and its die-hard champions as well as publications about Russian trolls, slurring information warfare, violent spread of propaganda via social media and its impact on Finnish population.
In this light, the most carping critique of Jessika Aro came to be her fellow countryman Johan Bäckman, famous Finnish propagandist, who through the heavy use of Russian state-run TV feeds non-stop distorted information about Finland and Ukraine. As well as that, he played a key role in misleading general public in the course of clashes occurred in Estonia spurred by the dismantling of a bronze soldier.
In his design to spread fake data about Jessika Aro, he mostly exploited Russian media and his Facebook / Twitter accounts.
Still, who is that Mr. Johan Bäckman? In a nutshell, he is person with too many hang-ups, let alone he being on a tight financial leash held by the Russian security services.
Therefore, in order to show support in favor of Jessika Aro our team of hackers called „Freedom” is set to publicize two emails of Johan Bäckman (written in Russian) addressed to the representative office of DNR (self-styled Moscow-backed separatist republic on the territory of Ukraine) stationed in Moscow.
It is generally known that Johan Bäckman is a representative of DNR in Finland.
In his first letter dated October, 2014 Mr. Bäckman suggests the leaders of DNR to run the elections on the territory of Finland, while in the second letter he asks DNR authorities to inform the representatives of Russian security services in Donetsk and Moscow that Finnish journalists Petteri TUOHINEN and Kalle KOPONEN are the agents of the USA and Ukraine, who should be dealt with in a proper way.
Besides, the respective photo of the aforementioned journalists sent by Johan Bäckman as the annex to his second letter in the name of the DNR king-pins is provided below.
Hence, Finnish security services should pay due attention to Mr. Bäckman, who is not a simple propagandist, but a full-fledged agent of the Russian security services.
Regretfully, today Europe saw the rise of quite a number of dog-hearted Moscow-sponsored journalists, but in the immediate future “Freedom” will give them to public as well.