Roma (Lazio) 19 dicembre 2017

Performance dell’artista Martin Creed a Roma

Il 21 dicembre alle ore 19 l’ART CLUB dell’Accademia di Francia in Roma, Villa Medici, ospiterà la performance dell’artista Martin CREED.
Martin Creed è nato a Wakefield nel 1968, vive e lavora a Londra.
Tra le sue mostre personali: Art Museum, Phoenix (2016); Hayward Gallery, London (2014); Tate Britain, London (2014); National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (2013); Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (2012); Southbank Centre, London (2010); Tate Britain, London (2009; 2008; 2006; 2000); Camden Arts Centre, London (2000; 1995).
Tra le collettive: Aby Warburg. Mnemosyne Bilderatlas, ZKM, Karlsruhe (2016); Imprint 93, Whitechapel Gallery, London (2016); Station to Station, Barbican Art Gallery, London (2015); Art or Sound, Fondazione Prada, Venezia (2014); Biennale di Venezia (2011); Fresh hell, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2010); Lines, Grids, Stains, Words, The Museum of Modern Art, New York (2007); Big Bang, Centre Pompidou, Paris (2006); How to Improve the World, Hayward Gallery, London (2006); Surprise, Surprise, ICA, London (2006); Live, Paris de Tokyo, Paris (2004); State of Play, Serpentine Gallery, London (2004); Protest and Survive, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London (2000); Nerve, ICA, London (1999); Life / Live, Musee d’art moderne, Paris (1996); Try, Royal College of Art, London (1996).