USA, Paese estero 28 settembre 2018

Massimo Paracchini exposes in New York at the Saphira & Ventura Gallery

Massimo Paracchini will be present in New York for the exhibition entitled ” New York. Art & Freedom” from 27th September to 15th October 2018 with the video exhibition of some of his abstract and informal works at the Saphira & Ventura Gallery, 4 W 43rd St Suite 416, between the Fifth and the Sixth Avenue, in the beating heart of New York.
Within the framework of the great events hosted in New York in fall, Italia Arte, Museo MIIT and Galleria Folco organized the exhibition entitled “New York. Art & Freedom” which will be held from 27th September to 15th October 2018 with vernissage at 18.30.
The Saphira & Ventura Gallery is one of the historical galleries of New York, located between the Fifth and the Sixth avenue, has been active active for many years and has important connections and offices located between Singapore, Sao Paulo and Paris.
The event is organized in the context of a series of international exchanges between the MIIT Museum and other international cultural and artistic institutions and within the first European Year of Cultural Heritage to which the MIIT Museum adheres with its 2018 exhibitions.

Massimo Paracchini’s works in video exhibition

1) Title: Vortex in Kromoexpansion on Alchemical Orange in Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling
2) Title: Full Alchemic White in the Raised, Hyperelliptical and Hyperdimensional Movements of the Universe : Re-Genesis
3)Title: Kromoexplosion in Kromotrance on Alchemical Orange in Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling
4) Title: Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling on Kromoexplosion in Kromotrance on Alchemical Red embossed in a straight line
5)Title: Spinning Vortex in Kromoexplosion on Alchemical Yellow in Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling