Massimo Paracchini has entered the” Vittorio Sgarbi Collection” with the photolithographies of two of his works that will be archived, numbered and officially acquired in the collection of drawings and prints of the “Sgarbi Collection” of Villa Cavallini. One of the selected works has been published in the Art Catalogue edited by EA Publishers under the title “The Artists in the Sgarbi Collection: Art of the New Millennium. An Archive of Graphic Works by Vittorio Sgarbi: A Collection for a Future Museum of Contemporary Art, from Figure to Figuration ” which will be kept in the library of Villa Cavallini Sgarbi in Ro Ferrarese and distributed to the most important Italian Art Galleries.
Critical remark by Vittorio Sgarbi
The history of a collection is a story of occasions, meetings, discoveries which intersects with curiosity, research and study.
The presence of Paracchini’s work in the collection of the prints and drawings of my collection certifies the validity of his stylistic commitment.
Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi
The works aquired by the Sgarbi Collection
1) Title: Alchemic Free Sprinkling on Awakening Woman in Front of the Abstract Spirals of Cosmic Thought
2) Title: Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling in a Cosmic Dimension in Sirmione in the Hyperdimensional Elliptic Curves of the Mind in Kromotrance.