Malta, Paese estero 06 giugno 2020

Sbarco migranti Malta

The government has decided to bring to shore more than 400 migrants who have been accommodated on pleasure cruises for several weeks, some from late April.

A government statement said this evening that the decision was taken after the situation on board the vessels had become difficult.

Earlier today, migrants on board one of the four pleasure cruise ships chartered by the Maltese government protested that weeks had passed with no solution in sight, and the vessel was moved closer to land, while the other three remained 13 miles out.

The migrants on board the Europa II was reported to first move towards the south of Malta, and was seen off Marsascala, and was later stationed off Sliema, some three miles out.

The vessel is carrying 160 migrants, who have been waiting for weeks for the European Union to find a solution to their predicament.

In its statement, the government said it was not ready to endanger the lives of the crew members because the EU was failing to take action on a redistribution progeramme.

From Malta Independent.