USA, Paese estero 04 febbraio 2016

29h february 2016 surprise in Facebook HQ inMenlo Park

surprise surprise
Today is #friendsday and birthday for Facebook and then here is my surprise

i’ll be on February 29th at Facebook HQ in Menlo Park to run my 366 miles that I titled A GOLDEN MILE. because it is one more day for 2916 and because we have decided to join the invitation of Mark Zuckerberg to run a mile a day to rest from the computer, and now I wish to invite Mark, top managers and employees of Menlo Park to join me to take the GOLDEN MILE in Menlo Park.

basically we ran for 366 days and yours only ONE, an honest proposal

is not a competitive race but among friends, there are no prizes or rankings, will welcome a donation for a good cause and a good organization that I am sure the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative will show us and I open with my donation promise (I’m just a poor Italian retiree) of $ 100.

It is not difficult to arrange for one mile and without taking time, just a table for donations and one for water glasses.

expect your answer and today I posted an event on Facebook and I prepared already some t shirts and one of my cargo bikes that port in California where I had planned to come to the end of March to realize Green And Cargo Bike Grand Tour of California where he will drink and will use the Pacific purified water from a portable water maker, all E Bike Cargo will use the energy through solar panels, the solar panels will be used ache on the means of support and suits the needs of the Grand Tour, we will not use oil and fat even for the Cargo chains and thus a highly ecological tor no C02 consumption, but that’s another story now we hasten our mile a day and thanks again to Mark for the great idea.