Turchia, Paese estero 19 aprile 2015

IKSV 2015 – Gulin Ustun, head of the Meetings on the Bridge

– Intervista di Mariangiola Castrovilli a Gulin Ustun, head of Meetings on the Bridge —

«The tenth edition of the Meetings on the Bridge will be organised under the scope of the 34th Istanbul Film Festival will take place between 11 – 17 April 2015. Meetings on the Bridge aims to provide a launch area for co-productions while bringing producers, directors, scriptwriters, and representatives of institutions from Turkey and Europe together and offering them opportunities to make the first international presentation of their feature film projects and films at post-production stage. Directors and producers of the 10 projects from Turkey selected for the Film Project Development Workshop and will be presenting their projects at one-to-one meetings with international professionals after having completed their trainings on script, production, distribution, marketing and pitching. After assessing the projects during the presentations, the international jury will decide on the projects which were to receive the Film Development Workshop Awards. At the end of the workshop, the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Tourism and Culture Support Award of USD 10,000 and CNC (French National Cinema Centre) Support Award of EUR 10,000 will be given in order to use for the development of the winning films. Also, one selected project will receive the Melodika Sound-Post Production Award covering all sound production expenses and one project will receive a Script Workshop Award given by Mediterranean Film Institute… Each year in May, following the festival, the Istanbul Film Festival and Meetings on the Bridge celebrate the ongoing international success of Turkish cinema as well as the supported film projects, at a reception held at the Cannes Film Festival-Producer’s Network.»